Beacon Park - Postavaru
"Cand esti mort, nu stii ca esti mort. E greu doar pentru ceilalti.
La fel si cand esti prost."
The BCA Wireless Beacon Training Park System is a training system created to make it easier and more efficient for recreationists and pros to practice with their avalanche transceivers. Eight waterproof transmit boxes are controlled wirelessly through a portable, weatherproof control panel. To change the scenario, just flick the on/off switches on the control panel. Each transmit box comes with a 2’x2′ square probe target, RECCO® rescue system diode, and motion sensor that creates an audible beep on at the control panel if the target has been struck. Includes signage, setup and use instructions.
Control panel range: 60 meters. Control panel and transmit boxes each run on alkaline D-cell batteries (battery life: approx. 1 season).
If you live or play in the mountains, there’s a good chance there is a BCA Wireless Beacon Training Park near you, allowing you to practice multiple search scenarios at your convenience.
To turn the system on, use the master switch marked “ON/OFF” on the control panel. The master switch illuminates red to indicate that the system is on.
The buzzer will beep and all of the channel LEDs will flash red and green to confirm functionality. The channel LEDs will then turn off for a few seconds while the control box wakes up the transmitters. The control box will illuminate the LED for each transmitter as communication is established.
If the LED for a transmitter does not illuminate after several seconds, that transmitter may be out of range, have a depleted battery, or need maintenance.
To activate a transmitter, move the numbered switch on the control panel to the upward position. Once the corresponding LED turns solid green, the transmitter is active and searching can begin.
When a searcher strikes a target with a probe, the control box will beep and the LED for that channel will flash red and green. The transmitter will continue to transmit until turned off at the control panel.
Each transmitter box contains a RECCO® reflector to allow training with RECCO® detectors. The reflectors will function whether the transmitter is turned on or off and regardless of battery level.
Please DO NOT UNBURY the transmitters from the ground. This is a search excercise so finding and probing should be enough.
To deactivate the system, move the master switch to the “OFF” position.
When the batteries in the control box reach 20 percent, the master switch will flash. When the batteries in a transmitter reach 20 percent, the light on the control panel corresponding to that transmitter will flash red and green.
To preserve battery life, the system is equipped with an automatic shutdown timer. Transmitters will be disabled and the system will turn off after one hour of inactivity. Cycling the master switch or a channel switch resets the shutdown timer.

Feel free to use anyday - usage is and will always be free of charge. The console is located inside the mountain rescue hut. Contact us before going to ask for it please (a simple WhatsApp message @ +40744378710 will do just fine).
If you do not own a transciever and/or a probe and you need one to practice please also contact us beforehand.
Only transcievers 1 to 6 are burried, we kept 7 and 8 for spares/backup for now.
Please contact us if you have problems using the equipment or you find anything wrong at the location. Please don't try to steal the boxes as they are useless without the console and are also GPS monitored and tracked.
Please read the operation instructions above. And then read them again. And be gentle with the console.
Have fun searching!
Primaria Brasov
Serviciul Public Local Salvamont Brasov (multumim Adina!)